Mobile: 850-933-6027


Location Strategy SErvices

Where are your best contracting service customers?

Landscaping – Lawn Care – Tree Removal – Fencing

Mechanical – Electrical – Plumbing – HVAC

Roofing – Painting – Renovation

How I work with you:


Goal Setting

I begin by working to understand your revenue and growth goals, and who your ideal customers are.


Operations Overview

The next step is to develop a full picture of how you operate: where do your employees commute from and where are your facilities and fleet located.


Prospect Analysis

Based on demographic, economic, and real estate data, I develop a customized list of prospect neighborhoods and/or businesses that allow you to focus your lead development efforts.


Travel Analysis

With the Prospect Analysis in hand, I provide a further set of recommendations on leads with the best profitability potential based on typical traffic congestion and drive times.


Summary Report

All of the information gathered and analysis performed is summarized in a thorough, but easily understandable report document.


Findings Review

I conclude by working with you and key staff to review the Summary Report and ensure that the conclusions are fully understood, and to assess potential for further opportunities.